
How to clean like a pro being a single messy Bachelor?

Blog | Industry News | Dec 16,2022

Being a Bachelor has its troubles, One of which is the issue of keeping the apartment neat and clean. The double-edged sword is this. If the apartment is ultra clean, a welcomed female visitor could immediately assume that this man has a significant other who comes and clean up after the man.

On the other hand, if the apartment is less than ideal in cleanliness. The man might never have a second chance to show the welcomed woman his castle again.


With this heavy problem hanging above my head, I seek help in making cleaning easier and faster. That’s why I bought myself a cordless handheld vacuum cleaner.  This V08 vacuum cleaner is so compact in size.

So fashionably designed that it looks like a piece of artwork. Suitably placed anywhere in my apartment. It is also highly suitable to become a decorative fixture in any room. I can’t talk enough about the compliments I get from bros and friends who come over to my place.

Having raved about its highly artistic design, let me tell you about this V08’s ability to clean. Its tiny, compact designed housing houses a state of the arts powerful, yet small motor. The motor has the suction power of 2 different suction settings to suit the needs of cleaning.

A high-power setting can produce a suction power of 8kpa, while a lower-power setting produces a 5.5kpa of suction power. I can choose to clean, to super clean, and clean like the tired person on the medium power setting.

This V08 is so light in weight and highly powerful in its ability. When I use it to clean, I forget I have a cleaning device in my hand. It’s the result that reminds me that I’m cleaning, and doing chores.

I also need to cheer about the ability of the battery to have this device clean around 7 to 9 messy spots before recharging is needed.

Oh, Did I mention that recharging up to 80 % power is fast? It’s at 80% before I’m ready for the next phase of my weekly cleaning.  I feel there is not a short list of things to rave about this cleaning device.

I must emphasize the great pricing of the devices manufactured by this company and sold through this channel. This device and others like this one make it a perfect gift to many people or families that I care deeply about.

strong with a V08

You cannot go wrong buying one of V08 for your own cleaning needs. And buy another two or three for friends and family as a highly special, useful gift. You cannot go wrong with a V08 in your hand cleaning, Visually, you can’t go wrong with a V08 placed on a shelf or corner table in storage.

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